Posted in Doggone Good Reads!

“Scent of the Missing” & “The Possibility Dogs”

“Scent of the Missing” and “The Possibility Dogs,” both written by Susannah Charleson, provide readers with an inside look into the world of working dogs.  In “Scent of the Missing,” Charleson discusses the emotional and logistical components of her work alongside canine search and rescue teams.  She shares her passion for canine search and rescue (SAR) with readers by describing her own experiences becoming a SAR team with her dog, Puzzle.  Here, readers learn about the work ethic, flexibility, and emotional and physical strength necessary to execute SAR fieldwork.  This is an inspiring read that will leave you wanting to offer thanks and gratitude to the humans and animals who devote their time and energy toward uniting loved ones near and far!

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The focus of “The Possibility Dogs” is largely on the role of psychiatric service dogs in mitigating mental illness symptoms and diagnoses.  In addition, Charleson provides insight into the process of selecting, testing, and placing shelter dogs to become working service dogs.  As with many of the “Doggone Good Reads” found on Sit, Stay, Blog, “The Possibility Dogs” equates the human-animal bond as an affinity toward one another.  Charleson provides fresh perspectives into what it means to experience love and loss within the context of the human-animal bond, including a dog’s ability to recognize grief in their human counterparts.  Readers can also expect to be introduced to and educated on the concept of Black Dog Syndrome and the impact this has on shelter and adoptable dogs.  Charleson has taken her writing one step further through the foundation of her nonprofit organization, Possibility Dogs, Inc., which seeks to train appropriate shelter dogs for work as service dogs, emotional support dogs, and therapy dogs.  “The Possibility Dogs” is a tail-wagging good read based on raw personal experience that is nothing short of remarkable and memorable!

Possibility Dogs

If you’re interested in learning more about the world of working dogs, visit

Additional information about the author, Susannah Charleson, can be found here:

Up next on this avid reader’s list from Susannah Charleson: “Where the Lost Dogs Go”

Where the lost dogs og
Photo Credit:!/books/


Welcome! In a world where time is a valuable, precious component of life, I am ever so grateful for the personal time you are taking to read about me and how I began Sit, Stay, Blog! In 2018, I graduated with a Master's Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, and in 2016 I received a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Psychology, with a minor in Sociology. While attending my undergraduate institution, I involved myself in a plethora of unique activities which undoubtedly provided me with memorable experiences and a motivation to document and share these experiences with others. One of my most monumental experiences to date has involved being the first student to ever raise and train a service dog, Pinella, at my undergraduate institution. With that experience came both challenges and inspiring moments that I hope to share with you along this magnificent journey of Sit, Stay, & Blog. My primary goal is to connect with my readers on a personal level and create content that is meaningful and relevant to everyone’s interests. I am forever grateful for your support of Sit, Stay, & Blog, and it is my genuine hope that you visit my blog page and enjoy the content provided throughout! -T.

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